My first love
My true and only love
For years I have tried to run away
Only to come back with the sound of cry
And without even a word
you have always given me
Another chance to make it right.

      You are my first love
When everyone stops to believe in me
    You are here…
Even when am desperate and full of fear
      You are near…
You never left with the rest
But stayed and promised to make me the best
Giving me a shoulder to lean on.

      My only love
Many times I have told you this
To leave me alone and let me be
That you are too good for me…
But you stuck with me
Hoping that one day
      One day…
I will come back to my senses
And realized who you are
   My only and true love

  …to the journalist in me.

©msafiri makini
All rights reserved
twitter @msafiri makini

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